Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Hey, AB

Hey, AB.
It’s me, Beth.  We never met, but I am pretty sure we should have.  Pretty sure we would have shared some amazing meals together, not to mention loads of laughter, not to mention drinks!  You got me through the grueling experience of culinary school,  as I went through a divorce and watched my mother slowly die.  Working in the kitchen sucks, but I somehow find the chutzpah to suffer through it.  Also, I have been to 47 states, 5 Canadian provinces/territories (I've smuggled in pot and alcohol), Japan (solo trip!  I smuggled drugs in there, too!), 9 European countries (also some solo adventures there), not to mention Mexico (I've bribed security guards at the airport!), various Central American countries and the Caribbean.  I love people and I love food.  The hours I spent in front of the TV watching No Reservations are countless.  We are kindred spirits.  You turned me from a cook into a chef; from a tourist into a traveler.  Even in my home town of San Diego, I talk to everyone and love every soul I come in contact with.  That was the gift you gave me. You may be gone, but I’m not.  You left a mark on me ; you affected me.  All I can say is thank you.  We all have our struggles – me too.  But thank you.  Your influence in my life was and is a gift.   

1 comment:

  1. Very well said Beth, thank you for sharing
